From my initial telephone consultations with the lovely and attentive **** to my weekly sessions with ****, I have been offered an excellent, well-thought out and accessible course of CBT. Crucially, this has felt tailored to my particular individual needs. **** adapted accordingly whenever personal setbacks took place, drawing on such moments as opportunities for growth and development. She addressed my various issues with some inventive behaviour experiments and was always able to provide practical examples and ideas alongside any theory we discussed. **** listened to me and I felt she truly cared about my progress. She was at all times attentive, insightful, approachable and well equipped to deal with an array of issues relating to social anxiety. I felt safe and secure in her hands and learnt a great deal, which has equipped me with some new skills to use going forward. This has been an incredibly beneficial, positive and productive experience. I feel privileged to have had access to such a wonderful service.